ZDM Components
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This site contains ZDM Components for Delphi 4. You can view description of this components, download it trial edition and register it.


ZDM Gradient Control, version 1.0
TGradient is a component, which provide shape with gradient fill. You can use this component to create form background (as in most setup programs), about boxes and so on. TGradient support six shapes: circle, ellipse, round square, round rectangle, square and rectangle. For all shapes is availabled radial gradient style, for square and rectangle shapes is availabled linear and bilinear styles. Also when style is linear or bilinear for square and rectangle shapes is availabled angle property, which determines angle between vertical axis and gradient direction. You can specify number of colors used for drawing gradient. For additional effects you can use FillBackground property, which determines fill control background or not. For quality drawing on palette-based devices (such as 256-color video mode) that component support palette. TGradient control has useful Gradient Designer, which provide more efficient way to edit some properties of the control than Object Inspector does.
Price (without sources): $15 US.

If you interested in Listbox or Combobox components click here.


Comments and suggestions to zorind@yahoo.com
Copyright c by Zorin D.M., 1998

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