NetWare Loadable Module RDATE.NLM6 2 \ NetWare NLM? LONGSystem Console RDATE_ThreaVeRsIoN# CoPyRiGhT=?Copyright (c) 1993 - 2000 MurkWorks, Inc. All rights reserved.MeSsAgEshËSVWUhhT$UU+MM}tuhEEu}tSh! jjEP SYEfE}uEShu h8 YShF 3jP2MQ Suuuuu؅tIEE;}u}uhr Y3MUUM} uh  3ɉM}tiE`PY+UU3_^[]NLMIL%s RDATE Error:%s:%s%X %xRemote server time is %s, a difference of %d seconds RDATE: Obsurb time change of %d seconds ignored because it exceeds maxchange SetFileServerDateAndTimeRDATE:Server time changed to %s, %d seconds change socket_ubind_uRDATE:Udp Xmit X recvfrom RDATE:UDP Timed out on host: %s ok socket_tbind_t RDate TCP Timed out on host: %s connect_t RDate read error %d read_t Usage: rdate [/u] [/c] [/p minutes] [/v secs] [/q] [/m secs] server_name ... remote_server_name -- the IP address or name of the remote server /u -- use UDP instead of TCP /c -- just check the time and print the difference /p nn -- Continually poll and set the time every nn minutes /v zz -- Don't change the time if the variance is less than zz seconds /q -- Don't report when the time is changed /m zz -- Don't change the time if the delta is greater than zz seconds /c/q/u/p/p option missing argument /v/v option missing argument /m/m option missing argument Unknown option %s No remote host name specified RDATE:Will poll server every %d minutes RDATE:Trying Host %s gethostbynameRDATE:Unkown host name, can't resolve: %s RDATE:All hosts failed RDATE:All hosts failed, retrying in %d minutes @b@@@@@4@D@M@U@^@f@@@@D@l@@@W@v@@%@_@l@@@+@@@,@M@h@@@@@@@@@@i@@@@@4@Y@ ConsolePrintf@9@k@@q@@\@{@d@@7@D@Q@^@k@x@@@@m@@@@E@n@@@9@^@GetCurrentTicks@@@@NWgethostbyname@SetFileServerDateAndTime@_SetupArgV_411@ _StartNLML@ _TerminateNLMh@__get_errno_ptr@abs@atoi~@@@bind8@@ bsd_fd_set@closeP@&@A@1@x@@@connectH@delay{@htons!@@ inet_addr@ localtime @memcpy@memset @@@@ntohl@@read@recvfrom@select@sendto@socket@@strerror@strftime@stricmp@@4@U@@@time@tzset@vsprintf@clib