#VRML V2.0 utf8 DEF _0 Transform {children Shape {appearance Appearance {material Material {}} geometry DEF _1 Extrusion { crossSection [5 0,3.92 0.78,4.62 1.91,3.33 2.22,3.54 3.54,2.22 3.33,1.91 4.62,0.78 3.92,0 5,-0.78 3.92,-1.91 4.62,-2.22 3.33,-3.54 3.54,-3.33 2.22,-4.62 1.91,-3.92 0.78,-5 0,-3.92 -0.78,-4.62 -1.91,-3.33 -2.22,-3.54 -3.54,-2.22 -3.33,-1.91 -4.62,-0.78 -3.92,0 -5,0.78 -3.92,1.91 -4.62,2.22 -3.33,3.54 -3.54,3.33 -2.22,4.62 -1.91,3.92 -0.78,5 0] solid FALSE convex FALSE}}} DEF _2 Transform {children Shape {appearance Appearance {material Material {}} geometry DEF _3 Extrusion { crossSection [ 4 0,2.94 0.59,3.7 1.53,2.49 1.67,2.83 2.83,1.67 2.49,1.53 3.7,0.59 2.94,0 4,-0.59 2.94,-1.53 3.7,-1.67 2.49,-2.83 2.83,-2.49 1.67,-3.7 1.53,-2.94 0.59,-4 0,-2.94 -0.59,-3.7 -1.53,-2.49 -1.67,-2.83 -2.83,-1.67 -2.49,-1.53 -3.7,-0.59 -2.94,0 -4,0.59 -2.94,1.53 -3.7,1.67 -2.49,2.83 -2.83,2.49 -1.67,3.7 -1.53,2.94 -0.59,4 0] solid FALSE convex FALSE}} translation 8 0 0 rotation 0 1 0 0.196} DEF _4 TimeSensor {cycleInterval 7 loop TRUE} DEF _5 OrientationInterpolator {key [ 0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1] keyValue [ 0 1 0 0.196,0 1 0 1.766,0 1 0 3.336,0 1 0 4.906,0 -1 0 6.09037]} DEF _6 TimeSensor {cycleInterval 7 loop TRUE} DEF _7 OrientationInterpolator {key [ 0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1] keyValue [ 0 0 1 0,0 -1 0 1.57,0 -1 0 3.14,0 -1 0 4.71,0 -1 0 6.28]} Viewpoint {position 0 50 0 orientation 1 0 0 -1.57} NavigationInfo {type "EXAMINE"} ROUTE _7.value_changed TO _0.set_rotation ROUTE _5.value_changed TO _2.set_rotation ROUTE _4.fraction_changed TO _5.set_fraction ROUTE _6.fraction_changed TO _7.set_fraction