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Russian State Musical Center of TV and broadcasting

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Nowadays the musical center

Production and distribution of musical, art and cultural-educational programs;
Record of musical works, including those for the radiocompanies and other customers, funded records in a digital system for musical funds updating;
Concert musical-enlightening and cultural activity;
Issue of music works on audio-carriers, compact discs, compact plate-holders and other kinds of audio-production;
International exchange with the musical programs and materials;
Performances of art collectives and soloists in Russia and abroad;
Library service of musical activity, duplicating of scores and musical literature;
Services in repair, set-up, restoration of musical instruments;;
Services on sewing of concert suits and scenic properties.

You can contact with us by

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Adress of center:
121810, Moscow, Malaya Nikitskaya street, 24
phone: (095)290-07-60, 222-00-22, 222-00-84.
fax: (095)290-31-82