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The People's Artist of Russia Victor Ivanov

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The conductor's biography of Victor Ivanov started in 1964 when he excellently graduated from the military conductors' faculty of the Moscow State Conservatory from the class of Kh. Khakhanyan. After the graduation the young and talented conductor headed different musical groups of the Armed Forces. In 1971 he was appointed music director and chief conductor of the Kremlin's orchestra. He creatively cooperated with outstanding representatives of musical culture such as composers T. Khrennikov, D. Kabalevsky, A. Khachaturyan, A. Eshpay, A. Pakhmutova, well-known conductors K. lvanov, N. RakhIin, B. Khaikin, Y. Silantiev, masters of opera I. KLozIovsky, A. Vedemikov, E. Obraztsova, A. Eizen, Z. Sotkilava, V. Pyavko, musicians T. Dokshitser, a. Komeev. These contacts helped him to obtam the conductor's experience and understand all the ins and outs of the musical art. From the beginning of the 80-s Victor lvanov fruitfully collaborated with TV and broadcasting companies. Under his supervision a lot of radio archives' recordings, concert programs and films on TV were made. On January 11,1993 the President of Russian Federation B. Yeltsin named the Kremlin orchestra "The Presidential orchestra". Under the leadership of V. Ivanov in April 1993 the Presidential orchestra successfully toured abroad. It visited several cities of the USA and made the final concert in Kennedy-center (Washington). In April 1994 and in August 1995 the orchestra toured forty cities of Japan. In August 1994 the Presidential orchestra in cooperation with the singer of the Bolshoi theatre E. Obraztsova made its appearance in the concert dedicated to the withdrawal of Russian troops from Western Europe. This took place in the beautiful hall of the dramatic theatre called Shaushpilhaus of Berlin. After the graduation from his military service Victor Ivanov was invited in February of 1997 to become director and in April of the same year to be conductor of the symphony orchestra of All-Russian Broadcasting Station "Radio-1".
For his musical art services in 1976 Victor Ivanov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russian Federation and in 1994 the People's Artist of Russia.

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