Данный пример производить прямое чтение с диска. Через сервис VWIN32 можно вызывать функции MS-Dos. Для того чтобы вы могли разобратся, более детально, советую прочитат в MSDN статью Using VWIN32 to Carry Out MS-DOS Functions. Отмечу что такой метод не работает под windows NT. Если вы хотите чтобы ваша программа работала под Windows Nt, то вам следует написать VDM. Для этого требуется разыскать DDK.

#include <windows.h> #define VWIN32_DIOC_DOS_INT25 2
#define VWIN32_DIOC_DOS_INT26 3
typedef struct _DIOC_REGISTERS { DWORD reg_EBX; DWORD reg_EDX;
DWORD reg_ESI; DWORD reg_Flags;
} DIOC_REGISTERS, *PDIOC_REGISTERS; #define CARRY_FLAG 1 #pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _DISKIO {
DWORD dwStartSector; // starting logical sector number
WORD wSectors; // number of sectors
DWORD dwBuffer; // address of read/write buffer
} DISKIO, * PDISKIO; #pragma pack()
ReadLogicalSectors (hDev, bDrive, dwStartSector, wSectors, lpSectBuff)
Purpose: Reads sectors from a logical drive. Uses Int 25h.
Parameters: hDev Handle of VWIN32 bDrive
The MS-DOS logical drive number. 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, etc.
dwStartSector The first logical sector to read wSectors
The number of sectors to read lpSectBuff
The caller-supplied buffer that will contain the sector data
Return Value: Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if failure.
Comments: This function does not validate its parameters.
BOOL ReadLogicalSectors (HANDLE hDev,
BYTE bDrive,
DWORD dwStartSector,
WORD wSectors,
LPBYTE lpSectBuff) { BOOL fResult;
DISKIO dio = {0}; dio.dwStartSector = dwStartSector;
dio.wSectors = wSectors; dio.dwBuffer = (DWORD)lpSectBuff;
reg.reg_EAX = bDrive - 1; // Int 25h drive numbers are 0-based.
reg.reg_EBX = (DWORD)&dio;
reg.reg_ECX = 0xFFFF; // use DISKIO struct
fResult = DeviceIoControl(hDev, VWIN32_DIOC_DOS_INT25,
&reg, sizeof(reg),
&reg, sizeof(reg), &cb, 0);
// Determine if the DeviceIoControl call and the read succeeded.
fResult = fResult && !(reg.reg_Flags & CARRY_FLAG); return fResult;
} /*------------------------------------------------------------------
WriteLogicalSectors (hDev, bDrive, dwStartSector, wSectors, lpSectBuff)
Purpose: Writes sectors to a logical drive. Uses Int 26h Parameters:
hDev Handle of VWIN32 bDrive
The MS-DOS logical drive number. 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, etc.
dwStartSector The first logical sector to write wSectors
The number of sectors to write lpSectBuff
The caller-supplied buffer that contains the sector data
Return Value: Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if failure.
Comments: This function does not validate its parameters.
BOOL WriteLogicalSectors (HANDLE hDev,
BYTE bDrive,
DWORD dwStartSector,
WORD wSectors,
LPBYTE lpSectBuff) { BOOL fResult;
DISKIO dio = {0}; dio.dwStartSector = dwStartSector;
dio.wSectors = wSectors; dio.dwBuffer = (DWORD)lpSectBuff;
reg.reg_EAX = bDrive - 1; // Int 26h drive numbers are 0-based.
reg.reg_EBX = (DWORD)&dio;
reg.reg_ECX = 0xFFFF; // use DISKIO struct
fResult = DeviceIoControl(hDev, VWIN32_DIOC_DOS_INT26,
&reg, sizeof(reg),
&reg, sizeof(reg), &cb, 0);
// Determine if the DeviceIoControl call and the write succeeded.
fResult = fResult && !(reg.reg_Flags & CARRY_FLAG); return fResult;
} /*------------------------------------------------------------------
NewReadSectors(hDev, bDrive, dwStartSector, wSectors, lpSectBuff) Purpose:
Reads the specified number of sectors into a caller-supplied
buffer. Uses Int 21h function 7305h Parameters: hDev
Handle of VWIN32 bDrive
The MS-DOS logical drive number. 0 = default, 1 = A, 2 = B,
3 = C, etc. dwStartSector The first sector to read.
wSectors The number of sectors to read. lpSectBuff
The caller-supplied buffer to read into. Return Value:
Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if failure. Comments:
This function does not validate its parameters. It assumes that
lpSectBuff is allocated by the caller and is large enough to
hold all of the data from all of the sectors being read.
BOOL NewReadSectors (HANDLE hDev, BYTE bDrive,
DWORD dwStartSector,
WORD wSectors,
LPBYTE lpSectBuff) { BOOL fResult;
dio.dwStartSector = dwStartSector; dio.wSectors = wSectors;
dio.lpBuffer = (DWORD)lpSectBuff;
reg.reg_EAX = 0x7305; // Ext_ABSDiskReadWrite
reg.reg_EBX = (DWORD)&dio; reg.reg_ECX = -1;
reg.reg_EDX = bDrive; // Int 21h, fn 7305h drive numbers are 1-based
fResult = DeviceIoControl(hDev, VWIN32_DIOC_DOS_DRIVEINFO,
&reg, sizeof(reg),
&reg, sizeof(reg), &cb, 0);
// Determine if the DeviceIoControl call and the read succeeded.
fResult = fResult && !(reg.reg_Flags & CARRY_FLAG); return fResult; }
NewWriteSectors(hDev, bDrive, dwStartSector, wSectors, lpSectBuff) Purpose:
Writes the specified number of sectors from a caller-supplied
buffer. Uses Int 21h function 7305h Parameters: hDev
Handle of VWIN32 bDrive
The MS-DOS logical drive number. 0 = default, 1 = A, 2 = B,
3 = C, etc. dwStartSector The first sector to write.
wSectors The number of sectors to write. lpSectBuff
The caller-supplied buffer from which to write. Return Value:
Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if failure. Comments:
This function does not validate its parameters. It assumes that
lpSectBuff is allocated by the caller and is large enough to
hold all of the data to be written.
BOOL NewWriteSectors (HANDLE hDev, BYTE bDrive,
DWORD dwStartSector,
WORD wSectors,
LPBYTE lpSectBuff) { BOOL fResult;
dio.dwStartSector = dwStartSector; dio.wSectors = wSectors;
dio.lpBuffer = (DWORD)lpSectBuff;
reg.reg_EAX = 0x7305; // Ext_ABSDiskReadWrite
reg.reg_EBX = (DWORD)&dio; reg.reg_ECX = -1;
reg.reg_EDX = bDrive; // Int 21h, fn 7305h drive numbers are 1-based
reg.reg_ESI = 0x6001; // Normal file data (See function
// documentation for other values)
fResult = DeviceIoControl(hDev, VWIN32_DIOC_DOS_DRIVEINFO,
&reg, sizeof(reg),
&reg, sizeof(reg), &cb, 0);
// Determine if the DeviceIoControl call and the write succeeded.
fResult = fResult && !(reg.reg_Flags & CARRY_FLAG);
return fResult; }
  (c) White Niger 1999-2000 г.