


Who sent Him


Translated from Russian by Michael Forshaw (UK),

revised and corrected by V. Tonkov and N. Levina(Russia)


1. Oh, what a great Time, when once in the Bosom of Eternity the fragrant Whole manifested Itself, exhaling the boundless Love! The Heavenly Father showed His Face in the Great Universe.

2. But having manifested His Essense amid surrounding immensity of another Law the Heavenly Father became the Source of the new Law.

3. The world of material Existence could not see the God's Glory, because this is possible only when the God's Glory manifests Itself in material laws.

4. And one time, by the Will of the Heavenly Father, His children found their lives on the Mother-Earth in flesh, which had been created out of the Earth's dust.

5. So as God's children with the help of the deeds of this flesh will manifest and carry across the Universe the Glory of Their Father.

6. The deeds had shined, but the Path of Ascent laid in front of the feet is unexpectedly difficult. It was the Path nobody had ascended by, and where the basis of Ascent is the Great Freedom of Choice, permitting the law of Faith to flourish endlessly.

7. And, the faith is this wonderful mystery thanks to which the favourable development of man is possible.

8. When God's children showed their faces on the Mother-Earth, they lost the ability to see the next step, and they are called to believe, that the next step is the most favourable. And that is the Truth. If one infringes It, he infringes the development of his soul.

9. As the man lost the vision of his mind's eyes, then, to define the direction of true Ascent, he is to believe his Heavenly Father, Who became the eyes of His children.

10. Therefore, the most faithful one is the most he can see.

11. But the faith and knowledge are not the same.

12. Therefore there is a great temptation to demand the confirmation of the Truth, when in front of the feet of the ascending one the necessity reveals itself to define: is it the Creation of God or different creation?

13. The Truth does not have to prove Itself, because those, who see It, will perceive It with great joy and keep It, but those, who do not see, will lose It, even if they take It in their hands after It has been proved.

14. The Truth is sent by God to perfect those who perceive.

15. Therefore, one, touching the Truth, is not to try It on, but he is to measure himself with It.

16. And so as the Truth comes to teach, I truly say: there is no one among the people, who has nothing to learn.

17. But how can the Truth come to help those who are searching for and craving for It?

18. The Great God's Glory is revealed in the fact, that the Father allows His children to flourish in infinite variety and uniquity.

19. And the difficulty in the period of creation of the first steps on the Path of Ascent is revealed in the fact, that each child of God, on the basis of his original uniquity, perceives the Truth in his own way as nobody of his numerous fellows does.

20.If therefore should the Heavenly Father say to each of His children the same Truth, so there will be as many opinions connected with the perceived Truth, as there are children of God on the Mother-Earth.

There will be the great confusion!

21. Therefore the Truth is always to come in one Person, which everyone can see, so as, being among those, who perceived It, during certain time, to allow them to approach closely the universal understanding of the granted by God.

22. And, this has to be created by carrying the Essence of the Truth to the level on which It can be perceived by the craving one.

23. This is possible only at that time, when the alive God's Word reveals Itself in flesh and blood similar to the present-day man, and this is the Truth of the Son of Man.

24. And this sacrament is governed by the special law, when the Truth, enclosed in the essence of the New-comer sent by the Heavenly Father reveals only then, when there is the God's Will: not a day earlier, nor later.

25. The new flesh, which is given the new Name, revealing a new Creation, must undergo a certain stage of formation, when the law of this formation is revealed in the manner different from that of God's children, being in flesh,

26. Where the firm law of Choice of Freedom of humankind development is absent, since the forming and developing mind of new flesh of the Messenger must absorb the very necessary knowledge required for further basic Creation.

27. The wisdom is true, that in order to heal the disease it is necessary to recognize the disease itself.

28. The comprehension of modern society in the Russian land presently, as was previously in Israel's land, took twenty nine years so as for the flesh to reach the maturity.

29. But up to this age the Messenger of the Heavenly Father shall not know much about Himself, so as not to complicate the comprehension of the outer world.

30. The mysterious shroud is called to cover the eyes from the day of birth to the time of Waking up.

31. This is very important so as to avoid the destructive contrast between the World He originates from and the world He comes to, He, named as the God's Word.

Children of God!

The time has come when the first step must be taken leading to the True Perfection of mankind. This time is a great time. For it will lead you either to an unprecedented upsurge or to an unprecedented downfall.

Do not look at the deeds of others, but be worthy masters of your own.

Man has set out on the path leading to the abyss. But you have now reached the point where there leads but a single road to True Perfection, away from this fatal path.

The law of inertia which is inherent in any populous society will, from now on, play a fatal role. If you go past this turning point the line of your life will break in the near future. And what will you then say about the fate of the little ones who will find no future, because of coldness of the supposedly wiser grown-ups?

From now on people will be clearly divided into the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. There will be no third alternative.

Those who stand aside and reason about the effectiveness of the Teaching become the bearers of evil. For inaction in a period of great achievements serves only to strengthen the opposition to them.

The Reign of Force in which mankind has developed from the very beginning is now reaching the end of its existence. The river of people's life will now flow across its next level, which is situated at a qualitatively higher stage of development. This level is the Kingdom of Soul. This is known to you from the Scriptures as the Kingdom of God.

The Reign of Force is entering its death agony, in which the essence of man will turn, accelerated, to a state of savagery. Russia is made ready for a great mission from the Lord. This is why the agony of Force will find clearly delineated features on this land.

A great number of people will head towards the snares of savagery and worthlessness. Even greater education will not prevent a fall into this snare. For the quality of a man depends not on the extent of his technical knowledge. The height achieved by a man's mind cannot be defined by his scientific and technical advancement.

And no matter what material gains you enjoy or what position in society you hold, in the poverty of your soul you will remain only a creature and not a worthy son of our Mother Earth.

The transition to the Kingdom of Soul requires a level of spiritual advancement which present-day man seriously lacks.

The path through the Reign of Force led mankind to self-destruction. And therefore there appeared much earlier the need to give mankind a basis for its reunification.

Four main religions have emerged in the world - Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

The Most High has made it possible for man to develop to an immeasurably higher degree than happens in other Worlds. Great spiritual values have made man the unique creature in the Universe, to whom there is like nobody in It.

But this value should be used skilfully, for it is possible not only to reach great heights, but to fall down into non-existence.

The Reign of Force has left its imprint on the development of people. Man is not some kind of machine, whose movement can be easily changed.

And therefore the Lord, knowing the outcome to which the river of man's being was flowing, and aware of the disunity caused by a pagan view of the world has conceived the basis for unification into a single people.

Salvation cannot be given to mankind in the last moment before its death. For the more numerous the society to be saved, the longer it takes for salvation. And thus any great conception should be put in place in good time, but if it is to thrive, the limits of today's reason must be considered.

Mankind in its youth could not perceive the truth about the essence of its development which is founded on five Origins: the Earth, the Unifying and the Spirit of Life, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Five Great Origins. No-one who does not enter into harmony with them will be able to move to the Heights of Perfection.

A start to the formation of men was given by the Earth, which flourished under paganism. As every child follows its mother, so mankind in its youth clung from the beginning to Mother-Nature.

But inevitably people started to attribute individual traits to the subjects of their worship, which brought about long-lasting divisions between them.

For each family trusted only its own Guardian and regarded others as less significant.

In those distant times the first stones were laid to build the great Path to Spiritual Ascent.

The varied nature of the pagan manifestations held no special importance. Most important was the worship of Nature.

Henceforward the Lord was preparing the human mind to perceive the single God, but the people could not perceive the Truth of Unity at once and at the same time develop it. For the Reign of Force, in its highest development, could not create a soil favourable for the idea of a Unified People.

The Truth of the Unity was therefore divided into four Origins, where each of them gave birth to new Teaching on Earth.

The truths were spread among those peoples where they could develop and flourish most fully, gathering into one family many people of varying beliefs, regardless of the different languages they spoke. These religions have existed for many centuries, unaware that they retain parts of the same tree - the tree containing the essence of a unifying religion.

This essence comprises the Great Mysteries of the Higher World: the Unifying and the Spirit of Life, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mysteries which, to this day, were to be known by no person on Earth. For this unawareness inevitably have brought disharmony and confusion in the spiritual world.

Now, with the authority of my Heavenly Father, I am disclosing to you those Mysteries which have been kept from the human mind, for the time has not previously come to uncover them.

Read and behold. This is the truth of your being.

Now you must perceive that there are in the Universe two Great Origins. Not knowing their concealed mysteries, men were forced to think about them as of one and the same Source. The concealment of the Great Mystery was essential, because the Heavenly Father will not grant the truth to a single people while neglecting the others. He loves all in equal measure, for all of you are the children of One Parent. And as long as people on the Earth are deeply divided and unable to tread the same path, holding each other by the hand, the Truth will be given to no-one. So that for a long time It should not become coated with all sorts of layers of silt in different countries appear because of man's certain creative abilities. And so that it should not lose its virgin beauty and worth.

See, children of God, the Great Mystery - that the Creator of the Universe and your Heavenly Father are not one and the same Source.

The difference between them is like the difference in the heart of a flower. Where there is the Root from which comes out the Stem of Material Eternity, and on it there once opened up a surprising and never-to-be-repeated Bud, from which began to issue the Fragrance of the New Eternity.

1. The Root of the Universe is the Unifying, or the Absolute as He is called in the East. He is the Great Father of the Universe and of all that exists in it. He is the Origin of the Truth of Material Being and the Source of the Spirit of Life/ material energy. The Unified is the Father of the Great Female Origins, which are the Planets, the Moons, and the Stars. And because He does not possess spiritual tissue, there is in Him neither good nor evil. But thanks to the Unifying there develops the whole of the Universal Reason.

2. The Heavenly Father is the Wonderful Fragrant Bud in the Universe for man. He is the Great Father of men's souls and the Son of the Unifying. Your God is the Origin of the Truth of Spiritual Being and the Source of the Holy Spirit/ spiritual energy.

In your Lucid Father is all the Good which has been done and is done upon the Earth.

The appearance of His Radiant Being occurred when the Spirit of Life and the unique energy of the heart of Mother Earth merged. This great time was lit up by the Light of the Birth of the Only Son, for no such come nor will come again.

Reaching His maturity and His Glory, blessed by the Unifying, God the Son proceeded to beget His children, investing their flesh with a unique spiritual tissue which had a predestined mission.

Thus allowing His children to show spiritual treasures before the Face of Being and to walk along the path of development walked by no-one. This gave rise to certain difficulties. But through the ages, patient and tolerant of abuse and discontent the Lord has been bringing His unreasoning children to the Heights of Perfection, granting to them the Holy Spirit.

3. The Holy Spirit is the Grace-Giving Energy and the certain power of wisdom, which descends from God and enters the chosen flesh, in order to do godly things among the people through good deeds.

4. The Spirit of Life, descending from the Unifying and passing through the human flesh, supports the circulation of energy flowing through a defined system and feeding all internal organs of the body.

The first truths which required a independent development were, on the one hand, the exposure and self-perfection of the subtle potentialities of man in this harmony with the Unifying; and, on the other hand, a holiness and a boundless belief in the Lord. This caused a corresponding division between the East and the Middle East.

The first two truths granted to humankind contained the Mysteries of the potentialities of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Life.

The Mystery of the Holy Spirit gave rise to Buddhism and Hinduism. In these religions the potentiality of the Holy Spirit consisted in God descending to the people in one or in other form of being or as hero from amongst humankind.

The Mystery of the Spirit of Life gave rise to Taoism, which consists in the fullest use of the energy of the Unifying and in not-offering resistance to the Great Motion.

The next two truths, carrying the mysteries of the Unifying and of His Only Son, were granted somewhat later, when man's reason had a great enough need for them.

The Mystery of God the Son gave birth to Christianity, and from the Mystery of the Unifying sprouted the Teaching of Islam and much earlier Judaism.

Each of these religions preached its truths on a level acceptable for the contemporary mind, which saturated them with falsehoods and shortcomings which atheists lean. But their time has come.

Taoism, Buddhism and Islam were granted by the Unifying on the basis of man's conscious level. Christianity came into being on the basis of the manifestations of the human soul. For God is the Father of man's spiritual tissue, which is the essence of man himself.

For since that time, when the Heavenly Father put the spiritual tissue into human flesh with a special predestination, mankind has moved along a path not inherent in the Mind of all the Universe. This once led to great perplexity among all observers near the surface of Mother Earth.

As man moved along an unknown path he was easily able to fall into chaos, making many mistakes for which he has always been punished. And the Mind of the Universe has, for many centuries, endeavoured to help man to straighten the path of his development.

Observing the development of mankind, the Outer World once came to the true conclusion that spiritual development was characteristic of man, but not in any scientific or technical way. He started to assist to it in his own way.

The Outer World Mind could conclude that mankind had its own God, only by studying the way that men live when, in its own time, it perceived that there was someone considerate and patient leading humankind on.

As the Outer World Mind has no links with the Heavenly Father, so no-one beyond the confines of the Earth possesses spiritual tissue.

Your Father never proclaims His Heavenly Designs, for in Him is the Truth and the Truth needs no extra thought or consideration.

Therefore no-one in the Universe knows the Path that He is laying down for humankind. From here there is a natural attempt by the Outer World to bring man to spirituality through consciousness. Where, from the Unifying, highly developed Worlds presented to the Earth all sorts of exercises, as if developing spirituality, and many wise thoughts, brought together to lead people to spirituality.

And so the main spiritual paths which have created world cultures, have been granted to mankind on the basis of the conscious level.

But one faith was founded on the basis of manifestations of the human soul from the Heavenly Father. Inevitably and mistakenly, people called this as Christianity.

Thus the Unifying Faith has been granted, a faith called to unite all spiritual paths on the basis of Love and Spiritual Truth - a faith which needs no name.

But it was impossible to have a complete fulfilment of the soul at a time when the Force took its prime, where the essence of people was in an extremely savage state. Therefore, according to the Will of God, the development of Christianity had to proceed by two Flames. And two thousand years ago it was necessary only to set down belief and to leave time to spread it throughout the world.

But now people have come to a new stage in their development. There is enough fertile soil, ready now to take the grains of Truth, and so once the seeds are sown, each will yield a good harvest. This will allow mankind to cross the border of the Flowering and reach a new level in the Kingdom of Soul.

The Truth will be yielded by a new Union of God and humankind and will prepare and purify the souls of men. This is the Last Testament, which I give to you from Him Who sent me, to complete the forming of Christianity into the Universal Religion on Mother Earth.

From now the mysteries about the essence of God's Glory and the origin of the devil are being disclosed to you; the paths leading to the salvation of the soul, and also its death, the transmigration of souls, and many mysteries which were previously hidden from human reason.

It will be easy for modern consciousness to be aware that the human soul cannot develop and exist only in accordance with Hindu traditions, or only in accordance with Muslim traditions. The soul's law of being is the same for all, and the time has therefore come to recognize this law.

The people need remain unaware of these fundamental mysteries no longer, for the lack of belief and the striving to know the existing secrets in one's own way, leads to a great growth of coldness which is covered with the shawl of well-being.

All this that I am presenting to you is sure to arouse many troubles in the minds of men. Where among the believers, alas, the storm of indignation will reach greater heights. But who told you that you have the right to interpret and predetermine the deeds of your Father? That He did not say a certain thing does not mean that He will not accomplish that thing. Not everything can be known by the little ones.

The need to speak of the Second Coming in the clouds was given in order to appear secretly at a time predetermined by my Father, and so easily expose hypocrites and reveal God's true people.

What is the way for men to know Him Who is sent by God: by signs accomplished by Him, by reason or from the essence which comes from His heart?

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

For every tree is known by his own fruit, for of thorns do not gather figs, nor of crambles bush gather grapes.

If a Man comes to His House amid peals of thunder and bursts of fire, then all his slaves, beholding the signs, will exclaim, 'We believe. We have been waiting!'

Among them will also be those who were woken by the thunder and were not waiting for their Master.

But Master will come secretly to see the truthful face of each, who will be untouched by great signs and unable to hide a face of craving hypocrisy.

Master will come quietly and sitting at the threshold of His House will pour out the life-giving moisture from Him Who has sent Him. And all who are great of heart and thirst for the moisture of Heavenly Father will come and slake their thirst. For they will feel from their souls what issues from the Father.

It is in them that God places the last hope for the Salvation of humankind.

Blessed will be he who does not miss the goal of his aspirations in the world of mundane bustling and great poverty of soul.

The Last Testament is presented to you at a critical moment of development. It is presented in order to accomplish a Great and Holy Unification of all existing religions.

The Last Testament will help open closed souls, to satisfy the thirsty and to gather into a single Holy Bosom the strayed children of God.

After this youthful mankind will step onto the path of maturity.

Remember the story of the building of the Tower of Babel, a mystery which alas you have misperceived. It showed you that people speaking in different tongues can build nothing significant, for such people will live and exist apart, because the existence of different tongues leads only to dissociation.

The Last Testament will lead to the full opening of your soul and to the necessary union with God which it was impossible to achieve earlier.

If you do not want it then remain where you stand.

The Last Testament is called up to lead to salvation those children who are able to pass through the Gates of God's Kingdom. These are the people striving for union among themselves so that in a single gust they can give the warmth of the soul to the surrounding world limitlessly, and suffer the pains of Mother Earth.

If you feel alien from these children of God then remain where you stand.

The Last Testament takes into account the necessary abilities of the mind. For it is of critical importance if one is to advance to a qualitatively higher level of development in human thought, essential if one is to pass into the Kingdom of God.

If you wish to remain at the level of thinking which existed two thousand years ago then remain where you stand.

Once you were told that the Kingdom of Heaven was like yeast unto leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole leavened .

This is the mystery of the three Testaments, summoned to lead the children of God to the Kingdom of Heaven: the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Last Testament. Correspondingly, they embody the mysteries of Hope, Faith, and Love.

Many, who have strayed, regard religion as something extra on the path of life.

I tell you truthfully that religion is the art of the development of the soul. But the soul is the essence of man himself. This means that religion is the art of the full development of man and the basis of the development of all arts.

Do not try to point out the drawbacks of this or that particular Teaching. Remember, they were granted to match the level of reasoning of their time.

The new Path has now been given to you and the Lord wishes you to enter into religion consciously and not from fear or because of miracles. Therefore God will give no miracles, but a last chance will be given to you to save your soul.

And here now the time has come when your Heavenly Father has spoken His Word for your ears. You are still capable of listening to this Word.

There will never again be in them the prophecy of Esaias who says,

'By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive; for this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they closed'.

The word which you are now touching is the Word of Judgment, intended for you two thousand years ago when it was said that the Word I have spoken, the same shall judge you in the last day.

So accept it with worthiness and do not fall into that empty gossip which so fills your thoughts.

A man differs from an animal only in his spiritual world. And if a man does not develop spiritually then he is like an animal, but because of the abilities he has been given, he can do immeasurably more harm, as you can see so clearly if you glance around you.

People's souls have become saturated with coldness, which one now meets at every turn. The greatest threat of a complete fall is seen from the fact that this coldness has penetrated children's homes, old people's homes, schools, hospitals and even places of worship.

Frozen souls have grown yet colder as man's reason has grown dim. Why does Mother Earth endure such sufferings? For the Earth is living and feels each of you, and feels each trampling on Her flesh.

As She suffers more and more, the Earth will start to defend Herself by punishing you with awful diseases and destroying that what you have built.

For how long will human reason be blind?

A man who is spiritually cold can give nothing to his child but that same coldness. Is it reasonable for society to complain about the growth of evil and untruth if society itself makes the soil fertile for such weeds to spring up?

Look around you! The World in which your flesh lives, the House which gave you life has been defiled by man's deeds.

Craving to enrich the flesh only gives rise to an immeasurable coldness. A coldness which destroys the tender green shoots which from time to time appear in you.

Listen carefully to your soul. Can it really be that you do not feel the encroaching coldness, or has the green in your soul disappeared to make room for a ferocious coldness?

The gardeners of humanity, the holy servants, continue, tirelessly, to sow the grains of life in the souls of men. But it is clear that the good soil is becoming less and less, or else those hands are careless that are throwing the grain into the soil. For the Mother of Humanity is suffering more and more under the burden of her sons.

Where is your soul? Under what layers of sediment is it resting now?


The Earth is your only mother. Stupid and laughable are those sons of one Mother who live in one place and yet have separated themselves from each other by borders, simply because some of them were born of Her in one place and some in another.

The craving of one people to be higher than another is the sign of a sick mind.

Remember the Word, which shows you that you are all brothers and that he who raises himself above the others will be humbled.

As long as world religion has existed, many possible branches have grown on its trees. Especially in Christianity.

But what is the value of Christianity today, when it has split up into so many parts and these parts clash with such an outpouring of coldness and vileness by men onto each other?

Is it reasonable to have several interpretation of one Truth?

I say to you truthfully that the time has come when it is advantageous for the devil to spread various views on Truthful Development. For if you have different views of this Development you will not ascend by it.

There is great grief on your Father's Brow as he looks at the madness of his children, especially among believers.

Many words have been written about the Faith, and many wise things said about it, but no-one perceives that all these Books that have been written can be condensed into the lines: love God and love your neighbour.

For he who knows how to love will never do anything against God. Throughout the centuries you have kept and passed on the commandment which throughout this time no person has observed, and which says, 'Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you; and pray for them which dispitefully use you and persecute you.'

Where is that Love that God commanded you to show?

Not heeding the warnings and the signs given by the Mother Mary, people have for a long time - and especially over the last decades - moved stubbornly towards the abyss. Now the time has come to draw a line in your development.

Everyone must now acknowledge that to call oneself a believer and to be a believer are not the same thing. You must know that from now on any believer who side by side with belief does something bad becomes a great bearer of evil. For such a person makes stronger the lack of belief.

So be worthy children of your Great Father and listen to the Last Call made to your Souls.

From now on you must be incapable of carrying coldness. You never have the right even to think badly of anyone - no matter when, in what conditions, or under what banner.

The path of the Light is a striving to open your soul and to give its warmth without limit to those who surround you, while you expect nothing in return. When you strive to warm even a person who will insult you thereafter .

This is the true path to start building the walls of the Temple of your soul.

So let this Word be a Judgment above you, and let it lay upon you a responsibility for what you have heard, and let it not then be said that

'I did not hear!'

From now on you will see the Glory of God, and Love will shine over the World.

But misery will fall upon those who go in the opposite direction.

Their time has come.

Awake and be creators. Peace be with you.


I will give you small flames which will light

up the path to the Heights of Perfection.


If a foreign flesh offers physical violence to your flesh, or to another flesh which requires protection, then your strength should have the sole aim of calming down the blind rage which has burst out.

But in the moments of opposing, the sztriving to give the warmth of your soul to the unfortunate, must not pass. So give it to him after you manage to calm down his blind rage.


Be pure in your words.

For what has been heard does not litter your soul, but what comes from you can turn it into a vessel of stench.

He who mocks another with words from his lips is treading on the path which leads to the gloom of the abyss.


If your untruth brings evil, then your soul is at the gates of great sufferings.

If untruth brings disappointment, then this will be evil.

An untruth which covers evil is a worse evil.

But an untruth which brings good is wisdom.


Be pure in your thoughts. For thought is not only the threshold of physical deeds, but is itself a deed which emits both warmth and cold.

He who has black thoughts about another person brings harm to that person's soul and is plunged into the quagmire of darkness.


You may kill a member of the animal or plant world only when there is a real need to do so. If the good which comes from it is greater than the loss of Nature.

But in the span of your life try to make up for even the smallest loss of Nature.


Do not steal.

For sometimes this not only brings a loss to the life of man's flesh, but always spreads temptations to disbelief in people.

Disbelief in people gives birth to coldness of soul.

Coldness of soul is equal to death.


Unhappy is not he who has lost at the side but who has lost in himself.

For a loss at the side is trial, but a loss in oneself is a fatal mistake.


If you do not trust a person have no dealings with him.

If you have dealings with a person trust him completely.

But lack of trust shows that there is some litter in your soul.


Be prepared to sacrifice a lesser thing for a greater thing not only in yourself but for a stranger.

This is a trial of your mind and the purity of your soul.


Treat the faith of a believer with respect.

For faith is the opening of the soul and its unification with its purpose as chosen by man.

Rude treatment of a stranger's soul shows unreasoning and savagery. Make your path alongside the path of another man and let him judge their worth.

But do not crave to destroy what has been created without putting anything in its place.


Do good deeds beyond all measure.

Help even those who afterwards may insult you.


The flesh exists not to take but to give.

Only this can form and cleanse the soul.

Try to give help quietly, so as not to become vain or put the recipient in an awkward position.

Help immediately loses its true essence when first mentioned.

After that it becomes a pledge.


Good deeds performed by you but not guarded by your mind can be used by the devil.

And then peace made by you will cause suffering.

The devil can hide himself in the guise of good deeds if peace-making was motivated by self-interest.

But help does not always have a beneficial effect.

Help can bring a beneficial effect only to those who strive for and proceed to creation but who are in need of help.

If the help is given to a person wishing to create something but not putting his hands to it, then good can only fertilize the soul in that person for the rapid growth of laziness and other weeds.

Those people who cannot perform the desired deed must be treated differently.


The performance of a good deed can only be preceded by the rational awareness that 'it will be good'.

But this will not be an enrichment of the soul but only the path leading to spiritual treasures.

Enriching of the soul will be a deed performed out from pureness of heart.


If a stranger's flesh is suffering and you realize that you can give help but fail , this indicates faint-heartedness on your part.


If you are aware of harm being done to the flesh and the soul of a stranger and put no obstacle in its way, then you are too on part of this impending evil.

This will direct your soul towards darkness.


Do not seek to judge one who has stumbled, for he is unfortunate.

Who is judging an unfortunate is himself no less unfortunate.


Do not insult one who has insulted you because you become like him in essence.

Do not respond to coldness with coldness, whatever the pain you might feel.

For nothing which comes from your heart will ever fall away - it will remain among the people.

A coldness which you show in reply to coldness will not destroy this coldness but will only replenish it.

Darkness is dispersed not by darkness, but by light.


Do not doubt in the doing of good, but have doubts about the doing of evil.

Terrible and unreasonable is to seek to accuse a person of not doing any kind of good deeds attributed to him.


Strive to reach the heights of Spiritual Love, one of the three sisters of the Mother of Perfection.

It arises between a man and the World which surrounds him, of people as well as of animal and plant life.

This Summit is unavoidable for everyone who ascends.

But for the majority of people this path is very long.

To move along it you must strive to give a limitless warmth of soul to those who surround you.

But even this will be hard for many when they take the first steps.

Wherefore it is necessary to proceed to personal purification.

After a certain time the warmth of soul will increase so that you will be able to give it to those who surround you.

But do not look at that good which will be done in return for your good.


Do not avoid temptations.

For only in the spontaneous overcoming of each temptation can there be a true purifying of the soul.

If you feel a lack of strength in this purification, then seek a man will give you the strength.

This man is already waiting for you.

Remember God's words: 'Take not the short way for not every one shall enter into the kingdom of heaven'.


Do not get away from the world.

For the blessedness which you seek must be passed on from one man to another - only in this is the strength.

Blessedness is like a river - it must not stop.

It enters into you and there, ennobled, it always continues its flow into another person.


When the river stops flowing it becomes overgrown and degenerates into swamp.


Take your souls close to the Summits of Repentance.

But true Repentance is not only the confession in words of your shameless deeds.

But true Repentance lies in your ability to open your soul before God.

And the ability to endure the pain or loss of a man or any other being of the animal or plant world to which evil has been done.

As to Repentance in personal weakness, the ability to endure it, opening your soul before God, shows that it is possible to use His Blessedness to overcome one's own weakness.

God can only help those who have opened their souls to Him completely.

Is it natural to desire help and at the same time lock the door on him who is helping?


Do not seek to judge Great Things.

A true judgment of the Great can be made only by one who has even greater things.

Striving to find mistakes in a man, and especially in a man who is striving to do more good than you are doing, shows the poverty of your soul.


Meet the difficulties of life with an open soul and pure thoughts.

They have been granted to form your soul.

Only an unreasoning man complains about the wrongness of his life.

Greatest sufferings will be experienced by the person who is most attracted to material wealth.

And by a person who lives by the principle of taking, more than giving.


One should not complain of not being able to begin from the beginning.

Why begin from the beginning if it is possible to ascend without limit?

It is never too late to take the first steps towards righteousness.

But the earlier you step onto this path the easier it will be to clear your soul of litter.


Do not try to hurry time and do not try to run ahead .

This is vanity and leads only to unreasonable deeds.

For he who strives to go fast will always be last.

But beware of laziness.


Running and shuffling only kick up more dust.

If you feel the need to create, but do not know how, then do not attempt to do it.

If you are intent on creation do not think it can be postponed.

If you are intent on creation then do it firmly and without hesitation.


Strive for personal purification without looking at your achievements in creative activities.

For the higher your achievements the more harm you can bring to your neighbours.

Every man in the world is a summit, whether you create more or not.

If you do not create more you will become a summit for the children.

If you create more you will become a summit for the rest of the people.

Many people who have certain vices lean against one summit or other which has the same vices.

But the greatest danger lies in young people who acquire vices when they look at the vices of their favourite summit.


He who does not strive for personal purification becomes an accomplice of Satan.


Do not desire the better property of others, but rejoice.

And if you can choose, take the worst and leave the best for others.


Do not scatter your thoughts with an awareness of whether good will be done in return for your good.

For man will never be able to purify himself truthfully and reach Spiritual Summits while he is thinking of the reward that is waiting for him.

True purification is righteous labour from the irrepressible demand of the soul.


Do not strive to see in yourself something greater than your neighbours and, worse, to show it.

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased.

If a man is given more, then more will be asked of him.

For the Lord looks not at the range of possibilities, but at the zeal with which the destined burden is carried.

For why undertake to do many things if you can achieve only little?

Blessed will be he who has valued his qualities as a creator according to their real worth, without looking at the prestige of the position he occupies,

For the very existence of the notion 'more prestigious' is the sign of a sick society.


'Once a man approached a spring of life-giving water and began to prance about on his beautiful horse, showing his importance and how high he was sitting.

But time passed and the man felt thirsty.

So he got down from his horse, knelt, bowed to the ground and began to drink water from the spring.

It seemed to him in these moments that he had experienced nothing sweeter.'

Strive to reach the truth of Humility.

For only Humility will help you to come into contact with the Highest.


Do not blame man for a spoilt thing if it has been done without design,

Whatever value the thing might have.

If a man has deliberately destroyed something created, then blame should not seem such, that the thing is more valuable than the soul of the person who has done bad deed.

But blame is not a pouring out of cold on the destroyer, but a strictness and a great regret that soul of this man still contains the capacity to destroy.


He who has stumbled should not be quick to disappointment, but should find hope.

For to fall requires no effort, but to rise is hard work.

He who has fallen in the water will not emerge dry. Only time will dry him, and the stronger the sunlight, the shorter this time will be.


Do not commit adultery.

This leads you to prefer the pleasures of the flesh and blinds you to the harm you do to the soul of another man.

To harm another man's soul is the greatest sin.

Being able to harm another man's soul turns you into a useless being.

The feeling of lust in a man when he contemplates a woman is not subject to his consciousness.

The rising of lust is not sin.

But if a man reveals this by word or by deed, then he commits a sin.

For he creates a temptation to bring harm to people's souls.


The admiring of beauty which does not evoke feelings of envy and a desire to possess is a measure of purity.

The law of adultery concerns only those who are tied by the bonds of marriage.

It does not concern those who are divorced.


Obedience is a very important and difficult art.

The purity and beauty of obedience depend fully on the purity of the teacher's soul.

This is true for social standards as in the parental circle.

Always remember that the mind of those who obey can not only not perceive your truths because of its smallness, but can have greater foresight than yourself.


Do not let a man laugh at the thoughts of another man, even if he is foolish, but let him consider them.

If the thoughts are not clear, try to understand. If you see weakness in what you have heard then let it be strengthened by your own thoughts.

But rejection of what you have heard, which was directed towards good, but which you failed to understand, is an influence of the devil on your soul.

Learn to weigh reasonably your thoughts and those of the person whom you are speaking with.


Strive to reach harmony between the Divine and Natural Principles in your being.

Reason is given to you so that you create this harmony.

Thereafter it can develop itself truthfully.

If the mind is developed from the outset it will acquire an incurable ailment.


Conceive yourself and your capabilities, so as to eliminate irregularities.

From now on the flesh is to cure itself.

In most cases illness is punishment for an inability to keep one's flesh in harmony with Nature.

In this case it is unwise to seek help elsewhere.

Strive to enter into harmony with Nature's manifestations and the manifestations of your flesh.

This will protect you from different ailments and will give you great capabilities.


Do not strive to know more and more.

For the quality of a man depends not on the extent of his scientific knowledge.

A man must know only that which helps him develop his true abilities in harmony with the world around him.


The attempt to uncover any mystery which one meets by using scientific knowledge is the sign of a sick mind.


Develop your imagination.

This is a powerful force of true apprehension of the Being.

The inability to create in yourself a fertile soil for the development of the imagination, likewise in another person, is the sign of a petty mind.


You must not aim at your goal while seeing nothing else.

Move firmly and with conviction but take careful note of everything around you.

Nothing in the Universe happens by chance. Obstacles are placed in your path to strengthen certain of your capabilities as they attempt to overthrow you on your chosen way.

Good knowledge is given to enrich you and to allow you to perceive the goal in a real light.

If you hurry and are inattentive to the blessings which appear, and note only the obstacles, then you will reach your goal emaciated and poor.

And it will be perceived as dull and unworthy.


Beware of ardour. For under the influence of this dope a man is capable of bringing coldness or evil to another man and even not behold it.

This is the path truly leading away from Spiritual Perfection.


'In a conversation between two brothers, one of them, apologising, pointed out a flaw in the other's soul, urging him to get rid of the defect so that strangers would not laugh at him.

Then the other, feeling angered, said with displeasure, 'You had better first look at yourself.'

Thereupon he left. But one of the people passing on the street, a man, came up to him and, barely audibly, urged him to put right some little thing that was wrong with his clothes.

Because he was a neat person and embarrassed at finding himself in this awkward position, he thanked the stranger and put right what happened to be wrong.

He didn't even notice that there was something wrong with the clothes the stranger was wore'.


When outer well-being dominates inner well-being, then this is a sign of approaching catastrophe.

It was said by an ancient that why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye.

Now I say to you, do not seek to laugh at the flaws of a man who was the first to point out your own flaw.


Be a worthy master of your feelings and desires.

Learn to single out sinful lust.

For the one who goes into the quagmire will require yet greater strength to get out.

It was said by an ancient that he whosoever is angry with his brother without cause shall be in danger of judgment.

Now I say: whoever gets angry with another - even if he has done bad - will be put on trial.

For even the ability to get angry will not allow the true flowering of the soul.

But do not restrain your desires which give people help and joy.

Let this stream flow and become a full-flowing river.

Do not avoid suffering caused by not-being-able to help those who need help.

For the experience arising of these sufferings is a sign that the soul is reaching the Summit of Perfection.

Do not restrain feelings of joy at the joy of another man.

For your joys will strengthen the joy of the one who received the good.


Be moderate when satisfying the lusts of the flesh.

Constant indulgence of the flesh leads to a suffering of the soul, even after the death of the flesh.

The more irrationally a man has acted in the satisfaction of his desires, the greater his sufferings will be.

The flesh can use only those ways of satisfying itself that do no harm to the flesh itself or to that of others.

Which do not harm one's own soul or someone else's.

Which do not run counter to the ways determined by Nature.


The reasonable limit for indulging earthly lusts lies at that point where a man, at any moment, can refuse satisfaction of these lusts in the name of spiritual advancement.


Find your place in Nature.

But in seeking it rely on the warmth of your heart and not on the cold of your reason.

In recent times this cold has gained the upper hand over the warmth of the soul.

Some considerable time will be needed to restore the initial true sense of choice.

But note - a place in Nature and a place in society are not one and the same thing, though they are interwoven.

A place in Nature is defined by natural manifestations which concern the development of man's possibilities in harmony with Nature.

This predestination laid down in every person from the time of the birth of the flesh.

A place in society is an artificial manifestation acquired during the course of one's life.


A parent is valued not only in his love, but in his ability to teach his child love for his surroundings.

For what is the use of your love if your child carries misfortune from you to the world.


Do not demand respect from your children, for what you have grown, so you must gather.

Parents! Do not lose spiritual ties with your children.

In order not to seek their respect later.


The spiritual tie is stronger than the kindred tie.

If a child is on a higher spiritual level, the only rational course of action is to try to achieve that same level, without being shamefully aware of your superior age.

For what worth does such superiority have if your experience has not reached the height your child has reached.

A person's maturity cannot be judged by the number of years he has lived.

A sense that one's pride has been hurt by the power of the sons' words is a sign that the soul is strewn with litter.


If a child strives to do good to people, then, however absurd this striving, you must always give him the necessary support.

For the path he has chosen is very hard. But it is true. Without your support your child may veer from the True Path and his value to people surrounding him will be lost.

But one who is persistent will still find spiritual support elsewhere.

And then the worth of the stranger will be much higher than your worth as a parent.


Do not strive to get away from childhood but get to know its truth.

For in childhood there appears those possibilities which a man must develop throughout his entire life.

Maturity is not in opposition to childhood, but is an extention of it.

But the essence of childhood is to take, while that of maturity is to give away.


Respect and preserve spiritual works which have been created by human hands.

For it is in these creations that the spirit of past generations continues to live on the Earth. Thanks to this spirit, the spirit of the present is able to live.


Learn to worship Beauty and strive to create it according to your abilities.

But put into the process of creation the warmth of your soul and the desire to bring joy to those who have beheld and acquired it.


Do not use alcohol in order to make yourself happier.

It may be used only as a natural method of healing.

Unwise use of alcohol is caused by the sick mind as a craving to satisfy the flesh.

A yearning to please the flesh always ends in suffering.


Do not compare a person with any other person or with any norms.

For he is the embodiment of Nature's great diversity.


In his married life a man must have a single chosen one.

For Natural Love can exist only between two who join together.

Natural Love is one of the three sisters of the Mother of Perfection and arises between a man and a woman.

He who moves away from this closes the Gates to Perfection before him.

If a man seeks to have several wives then he merely displays weakness towards the demands of the flesh and an inability to achieve harmony in Natural Love.


If you ask questions when you are seeking to know and reason an answer, you need an interlocutor who is equally able to alter his way of thinking when reasoning what he has heard.

If you ask questions when you yearn to follow what you have heard, then you need to be in contact with the Source, Itself, and not the bearer of drops from different sources.

It is unwise to reason about the essence of the Truth flowing from the Source.

For the reasoning itself admits a different understanding. A different understanding of Truth is a false truth.


The mind is unable to grasp the spiritual.

It must determine whether the thing is a blessing or is harmful.

Thereafter, the soul has started on one or another path towards spirituality.

It is useless trying initially to grasp with one's mind the essence of Spiritual Ascent.


If you want to see, then open your eyes.

If you want to hear, then open your ears.

If you want to quench your thirst, then open your lips.

It is unreasonable to strive to receive if you have locked out your door.

But to open, it means grasping what comes in and not measuring it with one's own yardstick.


Make a worthy appraisal of your flesh.

For the flesh is given so as to form the soul through the forming of other souls.

The flesh is called to turn spiritual abilities into visible and tangible results for people around.

Only with the help of the actions of the flesh can the souls be formed.


Do not blame a person who has left life of his own will.

For if a man does not develop spiritually, then the devil can easily lead him to such an end.

Man does this without the strength to oppose this temptation.

He who has fallen exhausted is not a sinner.

The sinner is the one who walked beside him and never not extended his hand at a time.


Once a man came to the shore of a beautiful sea.

He was so charmed by it that he immediately started to build a hut not far from the line of the surf.

One day when he came back from hunting in the local forests, he found that the hut and all its contents had perished in the sea-water of the tide.

And for a long time afterwards the wretched man cursed the beautiful sea.

Know the truth of harmony with Nature so that you do not feel sick and good for nothing when you are in Nature's back yard.


Destroy nothing without reason,

However small it is and in whatever state you find yourself.

Being able to destroy, without weighing the reasons for it, is the sign of a petty mind.


If you listen, then go where they speak.

If you speak, then go where they listen.

It is senseless to speak where others are seeking to speak.




Notes of translators

This third edition encloses the Introduction written by Vissarion Himself for The new Bible, Epilogue, written by one of His adepts and His new photo-portrait. The citations given from the Bible were extracted from The Holy Bible of XVII century.


The editorial board who have made this edition real, wish to inform you that the Last Testament is not subject to make a profit, for the Truth is Invaluable. The funds spent for It have been raised by the true believers who are greatly anxious that the Word Vissarion would be spread all over the world as soon as possible.

Today is published in Russian "The Last Testament" (The new Bible), second edition, including the Narration by Vadim, and The Word Vissarion which encloses, in its turn, the Preannouncement, the Book of Appeals, the Book of Foundations, Postface, the Commandments, the Prayer and the Book "The Questions and the Answers" (Meetings). Also, all the meetings and sermons which took place in the former USSR and abroad are video and audio recorded, including the Pilgrimage to Israel. Prepared and soon are to be issued second french and third english revised and corrected editions, the latter of two we hope you can now keep and read.

We also hope the Word Vissarion will meet his adepts in your person and person of your friends. Please, give us a call if you need further translations and audio-video tapes for dissemination. Presently we are preparing for You the home page of our Church. Its Web-site You might look for in a little of time in a newsgroup of Internet comp.infosystems.www.announce.

Glory to our Father alive!

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