
The Unifying Faith Teaching, or The Unified Religion, has for its foundation what is accepted to call in the society as Christianity and appeared not so long ago: at the beginning of the nineties in Russia.

Its founder is the ecclesiastical Teacher under the name of Vissarion, that in the language of the Universe means 'Giving the life'. The first sermon of Whom took place on the 18 August '91 on the day of Putsch in Moscow. He manifested The Word of The Heavenly Father in the form of The Last Testament granted to Humanity for the salvation of human souls. The mission of Vissarion consists in bringing the Commandments of Love to people, independently of their race, nationality, confession and so on and expecting of their conscious accomplishment to guide them further. The Last Testament is an organic sequence and a logic completion of The Old and The New Testaments.

In a short period of time in many towns and cities of Russia, and of near and far countries the Unifying Faith adepts have appeared, the centres have been opened, the communities have been organized and the Churches of The Last Testament have been registered (they are 9 in number for a moment). Its total number reaches 80. The settlement of the communities in the neighbourhood of Minussinsk (Krasnoyarsk region) accounts 1500..2000 adepts.

The Unifying Faith Teaching contributes to establishment of peace on the Earth, to friendship and mutual understanding of people and their Reunification in one common family, issuing from the unity of the origine of their souls Source -their Heavenly Father.