
In 1999 Kungur will be 355 years old.

The population of the town is 76 thousand people.

It is situated in the West Uhrals, in Perm region, 1530 km from Moscow,

100 km from the regional center Perm,

300 km from Ekaterinburg.

Sibirskiy route, Solikamskoye highway and Transsibirskaya main line go through the town.

Kungur is the reservation-town, it is famous for:

Fairs, which take place here since 1835,


Ancient trades,

Three rivers: Sylva, Shakva and Irenj,

Kungurskaya forest-and-steppe region, the northest in Euroasia,

Sylvenskiye reefs,

The Ice Cave - the nature memorial, which has the most visits each year in Russia.

The Ice cave is working daily, from 10 to 17 hours.Tel (271) 3-97-20.

By the cave there is the Stalagmit hotel, for 250 places, with the restourant, sauna, skiing route on the Ledyanaya mountain. Tel (271) 3-97-20, 3-97-21.

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