The materials, which here are represented, are interesting and are necessary for the companies and citizens have joint business with the Russian companies or the citizens. They are necessary for those who is going to make business in Russia or is interested in the today's Russian legislation on a kind of activity or out of curiosity. Here you will find the full texts of the Charter and Constituent Agreement of Limited Company - in the correspondence with the last modifications in the Russian Legislation. These materials also are necessary to the teachers and students of colleges, higher schools and universities (on a speciality " the international law and economy " and on other specialities).


На этом сайте представлены Устав (типовой) и Учредительный Договор (типовой) Общества с Ограниченной ответственностью. Редакция этих учредительных документов полностью соответствует последним изменениям в Российском законодательстве.

The Constituent Documents of Company with Limited Liability.

The Charter. The Constituent Agreement.


 Russian Federation.

In the correspondence with the Federal Law number 14-FZ from February 08, 1998.

Russian version (Русская версия)

English version


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