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With years it pesters all more often, all more strong.

Sufferings become unbearable, but sounds a boron-machines, preserved and procarried in the root of cerebrum from the most childhood, do not give to approach to the cabinet of dentist without the heart attack. Additionally with years we have notice that all it passes (!), yes-yes, main - to outlive several days, bear monstrous flour, prohold.

Certainly, medicine today can all, including and stomatology.

Leave our wallets start try now all, but stomatologists tend decide this problem with particular tearing! But we while to pay are not ready, do not want, and, as far as possible, not shall! Until will become unbearably.

A little below we bring a number of advices to mans-martyrs - how to dispose or weaken a toothache - without the visit to the denist.

Recipe 1

Refined from salts a slice of pork sal (it can be fresh too) place on 15-20 minutes on the sick teeth between the cheek and gums. Pain must disappear.

Recipe 2

Wrists of hand to wax a garlic with the inner face. Possible intensify influence of garlic, if several pieces to cut on small bit and firmly bandage just to the skin, but better to cover it by cloth. If sick teeth inheres on the right, wax is necessary a lion a hand, conversely.

Recipe 3

On the bottom of little saucepan to fill little phony honey and place on it old rusty nail, beforehand warm metal turn red. Formed around nail thick black material to impose before sleep on the gums, soon inflammation will openned.

Recipe 4

Olden days for the fortification a gums used a decoction of pine-needles. But for the best helps such facility: garlic to cut on fine plates and on the half an hour to tax (cover) them gumses from two sides. This procedure, in spite of the strong pain, needed to do thrice.

Recipe 5

Well removes a toothache 40% alcohol with st.-john's-wort. Possible enclose to painful tumors clean sheets a mother-and-stepparents.

Recipe 6

Young dry bud of poplar wraps in the bit of bandage, place on the sick teeth and press. Procedure - not less than 2-3 hours. At need - to repeat before a curing.

Recipe 7

In the hollow of sick teeth to place a cotton wool, be able in the camphor alcohol. If pain does not stop, signifies a defeat of teeth deep. In such event needed to swab a gums of sick teeth by the camphor alcohol.

Recipe 8

By leaps and bounds, is nearly instant is avoided toothache, if gums of sick teeth to swab an alcohol-40% with cattail or st.-john's-wort.

Recipe 9

Take a little piece of pumpernickel, chew its together with a piece of garlic. Educated tacky mass put at sick teeth and gums around it.

Recipe 10

Place in the ear, with that sides of person, where toothache, rootlet of plantain and keep its there before the disappearance pains. Pain will get through the half an hour.

Beautiful the preventive maintenance.

Proposed and daily conduct procedure liquidates paradenthos, consolidates gumses, avoids a bleeding, bleaches and consolidates teeths. Form a mixture from a little quantity rubed in powder sea salts and 2-3 drops of olive oil. In the received grey mass put your index finger and clean teeths and gumses in different directions not less than 5-ty of minutes. This procedure necessary to perform twice a a day in the morning and at night (possible only in the morning). In default of the olive oil possible to use vegetable, but with the smaller effect. Using a toothbrush is not recommended.

Beautiful bleaching and fortification of teeths.

Burn before the condition of coal eggplants, collect educated black powder, put in it finger and clean teeths. This is beautifully bleached and onsolidate them.


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