Name: Alexander  Makarenko    

Date of birth: 7.07.1964   

Nationality: Ukrainian   

Civil status: single   


    Kharkov State University, Physical Dept., (Sep. 1981 - June 1986), specialty: "Physics"; diploma obtained: physicist;  

    National Inter-Industry Center of State Scientific-Technical Committee of the USSR (Moscow); specialty - "Programming on PL/1";  

    postgraduate study at the Institute of Geochemistry and Physics of Minerals NAN of Ukraine;  specialty:  "Geochemistry";  

    courses of "Small business, business principles", specialty - "Manager of small enterprise";  

    higher advertising courses at department  of  journalism  of Kyiv State University; specialty: "Advertising".

Language skills:  Russian, Ukrainian, English, German.   


Computer literacy: Corel Draw, PhotoShop, PowerPoint, Netscape Composer, MS Front Page, Flash 4.0 , Surfer, Grapher, Origin, MapInfo, Statistica, MS Office, etc.       

Programming Languages: HTML, Java Script, PL/1, Basic, Algol. 

Present position:   
Leading Engineer, Radioecological Research Center,  Ukrainian Acad. Sci.  

Director of Information Service Center "Poshuk". 

Key qualifications:    
I have high experience in computer graphics involving visualization of scientific projects results, Internet (including  WWW-sites creation and projects promotion in the Internet), working with GIS-technologies,  statistical data processing. The total period of my work with computer-based technique - since 1982.    

I have also basic skills in the sphere of protection of intellectual property rights and inventions promotion. I have registered officially (by myself) 6  patents for invention.     

Professional Experience:   
Aug. 1986 - Oct. 1989 Programming Engineer, Kharkov Plant of Electric Equipment.
Oct. 1989 - Oct.1993 Post-graduate, Department of Radiogeochemistry and Cosmic Chemistry, Institute of Geochemistry and Physics of Minerals, Ukrainian Acad. Sci.
Since Dec. 1993 Leading Engineer, Radioecological Research Center, Ukrainian Acad. Sci. 
Since Jun. 1994 Director of Information Service Center "Poshuk". 
Publications: Over 10 publications in the field of groundwater radioecology. 

Key projects:  

Monitoring of groundwater radionuclide contamination in Kiev Urban Agglomeration. [Power Point presentation, 2.7Mb] 

Support of invention development in Ukraine [in Russian] (includes: site "Inventor Pages" - the most popular and informative site in these field in Ukraine;  Internet-newspaper "Inventor News"; mailing list "News of Patent Legislation of Ukraine"; the most complete collection of intellectual property acts "Patent Legislation of Ukraine"; CD-ROM digest "Internet for Inventors"). 

Development of new metods of wind energy utilization. 

I am looking for (tele)work 
in the field of web development, web promotion, creation of mirror (parallel) sites in Russian and Ukrainian, computer graphics, information retrival, technologies retrieval and promotion.
It is possible to create temporary work team.

Postal Address: P.O.Box 760, Kiev-142, 252142, Ukraine
E-Mail: poshuk@chat.ru
Fax: +1-209-796-8915, +1-561-658-0311
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