It is easily - to turn out the light,it is intricately - to turn on the dark.

         Page 3.    The shop of intellectual property.
             Identification  551287184400      Wallet   Z187390224187

Means of rescue of the swimmers. 
The compact device will ensure(supply) rescue of the underwater swimmers, fishermen. Idle time in manufacturing and use.
Construction of dams in the sea. 
The civil-engineering design of protective dams in the sea without use of a ground from quarry.
Manufacturing of chinks in a ground.Cost=500wm The technology provides making chinks without extraction of a ground and tool. Any arrangement in space.
Russian black ground.Cost=200wm Ecological pure(clean) product for increase of fertility of ground. 
Increase of a crop on 100 %.
Is sharp of a natural stone. 
The design of installation provides performance of a shaped cut(section) of a plate from a stone.
Production of forages for a bird. 
Way of reception of fodder fiber for cultivation a bird and fish. An ecological product not of a vegetative origin.
Underwater surface vessel. 
The project of a vessel for underwater and surface navigation. A high maneuverability and absence of a ballast.
Clearing of water from the water drain of cities.Cost=1200wm The technology provides clearing drains, does not require(demand) construction of clearing structures. Provides reception of ecological products for use in manufacture.
Neutralization of exhaust gases. 
The design is intended for installation on urban buses. Is warmly is used for heating interior of the bus.
The equipment for burning dust. 
Complete set of the equipment for burning dust. The ecological pure(clean) process excludes emissions in an atmosphere of gases and heat.

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