4StGeorgecrosses.jpg (11459 bytes) St.George crosses 1913-1917.jpg (9199 bytes)


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Saint George cross 1 of degree for  1914-1915 years #5200

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Saint George cross 2 of degree for  1914-1915 years#9118

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Saint George cross 1 of degree for  1915-1917 years #14793

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Saint George cross 2 of degree for  1915-1917 years #35785

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Saint George cross 3 of degree for  1914-1917 years #4725

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Saint George cross 4 of degree for  1914-1917 years #1677

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Saint George cross 4 of degree for  1914-1917 years #370047

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Saint George cross 4 of degree for  1914-1917 years #1047597

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Saint George cross 1 of degree for
1917 years #34582 (ö.í.)

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Saint George cross 2 of degree for
1917 years #81836 (ö.í.)

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Saint George cross 3 of degree for
1917 years #328342 (â.í.)

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Saint George cross 4 of degree for
1917 years #1M/229135 (â.í.)


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"Twig" on the St.George cross ribbon 1917 year

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In 1913 Military Order Decoration statute was changed again. Since that time it was called the "George cross", to George statute a George medal (number medal for courage) was also attached. Amount of the decorated with George crosses was not limited. The cross appearance didn't undergo great modifications, only "N" mark was stamped in front of number. Number mark was stamped on all crosses which had the number from 1 to 99999 & on the crosses with 6 figures in their number the "N" was not stamped (these were just the crosses of degree 3 & 4). The way of wearing the crosses with ribbons was not changed either. Decoration of non-Christians with crosses was cancelled. Under the new statute, decoration could be assigned the posthumously & cross could be handed over to the relatives of the perished.
Procedure of George crosses award:
- George cross was awarded following seniority procedure, beginning with degree 4 till 1 gradually.
- Not later than a month since the fight or action with the deed accomplishment finished & irrespectively the number of low ranks accomplished the deeds, commander of company, squadron or battery had to provide the higher commander with a name-list to be awarded with each deed description & which statute article is appropriate (lists are given in the originals without information of common lists & with remarks for those ranks already having George crosses).
- The commanders of non-separate corpses & entitled chiefs had a right to approve the people to be decorated, at navy these were chiefs of squadrons & separate detachments.
- Commander-in-chief or army or navy commander had a special right to award personally. Besides, corps commander (at navy - separate detachment chief) had the same right if they were in fight when the deed was accomplished.
- In case the number of George crosses were not sufficient, the ribbons were given before cross award. The people had those ribbons on their chest on the medal ribbon.
- All documents on recommendations to George award were confidential until declare of final result.
- The George was placed on low ranks in the presence of chiefs by these chiefs at both army & navy. If the chiefs are absent-by senior after chief.
- The decoration took place in front of unit line with all banners & standards, forces presented arms. When cross was being awarded, forces saluted the cavaliers with "music & march".
- After war finish, the army & navy issued official documents enumerating all the George decorated with higher army & navy ranks approval. These documents precisely described the deeds & numbers of crosses distributed.

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The certificate showing decorating senior corporal Larion Sidorichenko of Lutsk infantry regiment #165 with the George Cross degree 3 #1253

Here are special rights & privileges of the George decorated:
- They never put off George.
- If the person had a coat he wore just a ribbon on coat lapel.
- After date of deed accomplishment, every George decorated was assigned a finance grant: for degree 4- 36 roubles, degree 3 - 60 roubles, degree 2 - 96 roubles, degree 1 - 120 roubles. Having the highest & lower degree decoration no grant was given under the lower decoration.
- The widow of the decorated had a finance grant 1 year more after the death under the proper degree.
- These grants were given out as a rise to the salary at the service & as a pension after retirement.
- After transfer to the reserve, the degree 2 decorated were put forward to the low ensign rank (or to the corresponding rank), the degree 1 decorated were put forward to the same rank when they were awarded.
- The degree 4 of George award meant next rank advancement.
The low ranks having degree 3 & 4 of George cross & who were decorated with the medal "For diligence" got the neck silver medal at once, those with degree 1 & 2 of George cross got the neck golden medal.
- The George decorated, serving & in reserve, committing a crime were deprived of a cross only through the court.
In case the low rank unintentionally loses the George cross or it is disappeared, irrespectively serving or reserved the low rank is, the new cross is given to him free upon his higher chief request.
In 1915 the cross gold share was decreased in the degree 1 & 2 from 90-99% to 50-60%. For the stamping of crosses with the decreased share of gold the alloy of gold & silver was used with further gild covering of a high order. The reason for this was economic hardship caused by World War 1. When the numbering of degree 4 was maximum for stamping on 2 beams (not more than 6 figures), the crosses with the numbers exceeding a million began to have the mark "1/M" stamped on reverse of the upper beam which meant one million. Such first marks from 1 to 99999 had zeros in front of the number itself & they were stamped like this: from 000001 till 099999. Under the new order in 1917 the crosses began to be stamped of non-precious metals & the crosses began to have letters ö (zh) in the lower corner of the reverse left beam, letter M in the lower corner of the reverse right beam on all the decorations of degree 1 & 2. The crosses of degree 3 & 4 had letters â (B) & M. In 1917 the statute was again changed. Now the officers were awarded the soldier decorations with a twig on the ribbon & low ranks were awarded the officer decorations of St.George order with twig on the ribbon. These orders were given to the low ranks & officers under the decision of joint meeting of company, battery, battalion or other military unit.
During World War 1 there was dramatic financial shortage that's why the government requested donation from the people for the fund of motherland defence. For such donation the people gave away their decorations of precious metals to the fund of nation.
Everywhere at army & navy the low ranks & officers gave away their decorations made of gold & silver. There are photos proving these facts:

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The certificate testifying that lance-corporal donated his cross of degree 4 #37047 (mistake- one zero is missed, the actual number is 370047) for the nation. (The text was typed with typewriter blue print & is not clear).

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