RiK-Home Ideal Women Men Registration Service Переключиться на русский
RiK International marriage agency "IDEAL"
Please, fill this form and send it with one or more your recent photos. You will have possibility correspondence with your potential partners for marriage. If you have friends, which want to become the clients of agency "IDEAL", they can also fill this form on another paper (probably also to make a copy of the given form) and to send it to us with a photo. Hereafter, if you will wish to suspend membership in agency "IDEAL", or you have any changes in your life, as: engagement, marriage, change of the address etc., convincingly we ask you to inform us on it immediately. Please answer on all questions of the form. We not accept the forms, which filled not completely.
First name:
Last name:
Street address:
Zip/Post code:
Condition of granting
of your geographical
address for other
I permit without my consent;
To request my sanction after deriving the request;
I do not permit (correspondence only through agency).
email: Do not forget to fill this field,
otherwise we can not give you the answer!!!

Condition of granting
of your electronic
address for other
I permit without my consent;
To request my sanction after deriving the request;
I do not permit (correspondence only through agency).
Gender: male female
Date of birth: day: month: year: 19
Height: <- select and indicate here one from units
Weight: <- select and indicate here one from units
Hair color:
Eyes color:
Title of an educational institution,
which you have completed:
What languages possess?
Marital status:
Do you have children? yes no
If exist, indicate
a gender and age:
Your character:
Your interests, hobby:
Determine person for forthcoming familiarity:
What you search in the person, interesting for you?
Your submission about your future partner.
How did you hear about us?

The copyright (C): firm "RiK". 1998.

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