Статьи и Технические Отчеты из Сети: [ D ]

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  1. Dacorogna,Pictet,Chopard,Schirru,Tomassini "Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Robust Optimization in Financial Applications"
  2. Dandekar "The genetic algorithm applied as a modelling tool to predict the fold of small proteinswith different topologies", also available in PDF format
  3. Das,Mitchell, Crutchfield "A Genetic Algorithm Discovers Particle-Based Computation in Cellular Automata"(Part 1)
  4. Das,Mitchell, Crutchfield "A Genetic Algorithm Discovers Particle-Based Computation in Cellular Automata"(Part 2)
  5. Das,Mitchell, Crutchfield "A Genetic Algorithm Discovers Particle-Based Computation in Cellular Automata"(Part 3)
  6. Das,Mitchell, Crutchfield "A Genetic Algorithm Discovers Particle-Based Computation in Cellular Automata"(Part 4)
  7. Das,Crutchfield,Mitchell, Hanson "Evolving Globally Synchronized Cellular Automata"
  8. Dasdan, Oflazer "Genetic Synthesis of Unsupervised Learning Algorithms"
  9. Dasgupta "Optimisation in Time-Varying Environments using Structured Genetic Algorithms"
  10. Dasgupta, McGregor "Using Structured Genetic Algorithms for Solving Deceptive Problems" - {note}
  11. Davies "An introduction to MPI and parallel genetic algorithm"
  12. Deb,Horn, Goldberg "Multimodal deceptive functions"
  13. Deb, Goldberg "Sufficient conditions for deceptive and easy binary functions"
  14. Deb, Goldberg "mGA in C: Amessy genetic algorithm in C"
  15. de Boer "An Autonomous Robot Learning Basic Behaviours"
  16. De Falco,Del Balio,Della Cioppa, Tarantino "Evolution Strategies and Composed Test Functions"
  17. De Jong, Schultz "Using Experience-Based Learning in Game Playing"
  18. De Jong, Spears "Using genetic algorithms to solve NP-complete problems"
  19. De Jong, Spears "Learning Concept Classification Rules Using Genetic Algorithms"
  20. De Jong, Potter "Evolving Complex Structures via Cooperative Coevolution"
  21. De Jong, Sarma "On decentralizing selection algorithms"
  22. DeJong,Spears, Gordon "Using Markov Chains To Analyse GAFOs" plus [associated image]
  23. De Jong, Spears "On the State of Evolutionary Computation"
  24. De Jong, Spears "An Analysis of the Interacting Roles of Population Size and Crossover in Genetic Algorithms"
  25. De Jong, Spears "A Formal Analysis of the Role of Multi-Point Crossover in Genetic Algorithms"
  26. De Jong,Spears, Gordon "Using Genetic Algorithms for Concept Learning"
  27. De Jong, Sarma "Generation Gaps Revisited"
  28. Dorigo "Genetic and Non Genetic Operators in ALECSYS"
  29. Dorigo, Colombetti "Robot Shaping: Developing Situated Agents through Learning"
  30. Dussa-Zieger "Configuration, Mapping and Sequencing by Genetic Algorithms"