Статьи и Технические Отчеты из Сети: [ W ]

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

  1. Wah,Ieumwananonthachai,Chu, Aizawa "Genetics-Based Learning of New Heuristics: Rational Scheduling of Experiments and Generalization "
  2. Wang "Simultaneous Multi-Level Evolution"
  3. Wang "Automating neural network design in forecasting applications using genetic algorithm"
  4. Whitley " A genetic algorithms tutorial"
  5. Whitley "Cellular Genetic Algorithms"
  6. Whitley "Book Review: J.H. Holland,Adaptation in natural and artificial systems(MIT Press 1992)"
  7. Whitley "Fundamental principles of deception in genetic algorithms" plus FOGA 91 slides
  8. Whitley,Beveridge,Graves, Mathias "Test Driving Three 1995 Genetic Algorithms: New Test Functions and Geometric Matching"
  9. Whitley, Yoo "Modelling simple genetic algorithms for permutation problems"
  10. Wiegand "A Study of the Diversity Benefits of Combining Anti-Elitist and Elitist Preservation Policies in a Traditional Genetic Algorithm"
  11. Williams "Genetic algorithm optimises topology of a tree-structured neural network model"
  12. Wolpert, Macready "No Free Lunch Theorems for Search"
  13. Worden "A Speed Limit for Evolution"